Check out here our different accommodation options. From Bed & Breakfast to a tree house, from camping to glamping!
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Facilities & surroundings
Enjoy Bonneblond, pure and untouched in the authentic heart of France.
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About Bonneblond

Just a three-hour drive south of Paris, you will find our small-scal vacation domain. You will be warmly  welcomed by us, Helen and Willem, in the green heart of central France. We are delighted to welcome you to the Allier department, in the Auvergne-Rhone-Aples region, where as a tourist, you can still experience the tranquility and beauty of the area!
Note: September is adults only!
View the estate map here.

"Experience the Peace and Happiness of Domaine Bonneblond"

Note: September is adults only

Our Cuisine


Taste the French Cuisine

Come and taste the best French cuisine at our brasserie! Whether you're staying with us or just passing through, our brasserie is the perfect destination to taste the French cuisine. In the morning, you can order fresh bread from the bakery. In the evening, you can experience a multi-course dinner. 
O Sole Mio! Twice a week, there is the opportunity to eat freshly baked pizza from our pizza oven! Homemade pizza dough is rolled out into a thin pizza crust. You can fill the pizza with toppings you like from our pizza buffet. During the golden hour on the terrace, your pizza is baked to perfection in a wood oven in no time. We say Bon Appetit! Come and enjoy the warm and welcoming atmosphere of our brasserie. Whether you choose to dine inside or on our beautiful terrace overlooking the picturesque countryside, you are guaranteed to have a great time.
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